Friday, July 13, 2007

Thing # 7 Update:
Libray Elf Now Works with COSMOS!

Woohoo! Within 3 days of my filling out the request form for Library Elf to add COSMOS to their supported catalogs, they did so. So now our library patrons can use this free service to receive automatic reminders before their items are due. I have signed myself up to test it out. I asked for reminders 2 days before a due date, and I have things due on Monday, so I should get my first email reminder tomorrow, Saturday. I'll let you know.
So now the question is, do we tell our patrons about Library Elf? If everybody had this service, they might not pay so many fines, which would be good for patrons, but not so good for the budget.

Update to the Update:
I've been getting my Elf emails, no problem. They're great! Each one tells you the specific reminder (hold ready for pickup, item due in 2 days, etc), and then below it gives you a rundown of the total status of your account. It shows you a list of everything by due date and all of your holds, and also shows a mini-calendar with due dates highlighted. Very thorough.


Susan G. said...

Good for you Jill!

I hope other people use the Library Elf now that it is activated!

Marian Librarian said...

Thanks for the info. Now to sign up for Library elf.


kdf_333 said...

that is cool if i ever stop working at the ibrary i will use it. that is a great service.