Monday, July 23, 2007

Thing #8 Update:
EBSCOhost feeds are wicked cool!

Couldn't contain myself and had to go check out feeds in EBSCOhost. They're there, and they work! This is so cool. I know a few patrons right off the top of my head who will be very eager to try this out- they have very specialized research and hobby interests and would really benefit from an automatic journal search like this. Does being this excited about information delivery make me as much of a nerd as I suspect?

Ok, here's what you need to do:

First, log into an EBCSOhost database of your choice. Then look at the top right corner of the window and click on "New Features!"

Select the checkbox for "One Step Alerts." After a moment, a little box should appear that says "feature enabled."

Now click one of the search tabs at the top of the screen (or the "back" link provided) and build a search as usual. With one-step-alerts now turned on, at the top of your results list you will see an orange RSS button labeled "create alert for this search."

Click this button to pop up a window with the details on your new custom feed, and then copy-paste the feed link into your feed-reader of choice.

From now on, new articles added to the database that meet your search criteria will be automatically delivered to your reader. Wicked cool.


Amy said...

YES! Isn't it COOL? The only thing is that if you're not at the library, you need to go to the database and sign in first so that EBSCO knows what library you're with. Otherwise it won't give you the article. :-( Plus, I wish that when you clicked on the article, they had a link for you to sign in so that you can save the article to your EBSCO folder, but hey, at least I don't have to go search EBSCO every day....

kdf_333 said...

lol. yes, it makes you a lil nerdy, but also makes you a great librarian . i am sure there are regular library patrons who would benefit from your little tutitorial. you are getting really good at those. when are they going to be part of the library's web page?