Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thing #9:
Explore MERLIN;
Locate other useful Library feeds

Somebody stop me, I've got 30 feeds already.
As far as blog-searching tools, I like the "Blog Directory Search" on Technorati (It's at the bottom of the "advanced search" page), and Syndic8. These were the only ones that searched blogs by topic. Everything else I tried searched individual blog postings by keyword. So, for example, if I searched "aviation" I got thousands of hits, but only a very few of them were from blogs devoted primarily to aviation content. The vast majority were blogs on different topics that just happened to include one recent post with the word "aviation" in it.
The main way I've been collecting feeds, though, is just to go about my usual web surfing but keep a look out for the little orange RSS button.
I'm enjoying a lot of these feeds. I love the Kitchen Contraptions blog, and as I said ad nauseum in Thing #8 Update, I love love LOVE the custom feeds from EBSCOhost. And I used to get a library comic strip, Unshelved, delivered by email; I switched over to the RSS feed of that as well. Wheee! Feeds are fun.


Amy said...

Why, oh why did you mention the Kitchen Contraptions? I'll see you a Kitchen Contraptions and raise you a Cute Overload.

Jill said...

Make that 31 feeds. Drat you, Amy, drat you...